Jerry Swon has a longstanding interest in volunteering and community involvement.

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5 Ways That Nonprofits Build Hope in Communities

Nonprofit organizations are vital in building community hope and resilience by addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges and empowering individuals to create positive change. Through various programs, initiatives, and partnerships, nonprofits can inspire hope, foster collaboration, and promote sustainable development.

Here are five ways that nonprofits build hope in communities:

Providing Essential Services and Support: 

Nonprofits often provide essential services and support to individuals and families facing adversity, such as access to food, shelter, healthcare, education, and social services. By addressing basic needs and improving quality of life, nonprofits can alleviate suffering, build resilience, and create a sense of hope among community members.

Empowering Marginalized and Underserved Populations: 

Nonprofits work to empower marginalized and underserved populations by providing resources, advocacy, and opportunities for self-advancement. By amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and addressing systemic barriers to equality and justice, nonprofits help individuals reclaim agency, build confidence, and realize their full potential.

Promoting Education and Skill Development: 

Education is a powerful tool for building hope and unlocking opportunities for individuals and communities. Nonprofits invest in education and skill development initiatives that equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world. Whether through afterschool programs, job training initiatives, or adult education classes, nonprofits provide pathways to success and inspire hope for a brighter future.

Fostering Social Connection and Community Resilience: 

Nonprofits play a critical role in fostering social connection and building community resilience by bringing people together, fostering a sense of belonging, and promoting collective action. Through community-based initiatives, events, and collaborations, nonprofits create opportunities for individuals to connect, collaborate, and support one another. By building social networks and strengthening community ties, nonprofits help individuals weather adversity, overcome challenges, and find hope and solace in times of need.

Advocating for Systemic Change and Social Justice: 

Nonprofits advocate for systemic change and social justice by addressing root causes of inequality, discrimination, and injustice and promoting policies and practices that advance equity, inclusion, and human rights. By advocating for legislative reforms, raising awareness about social issues, and mobilizing grassroots support, nonprofits challenge the status quo and work to create a more just and equitable society. Through their advocacy efforts, nonprofits give voice to the voiceless, hold institutions accountable, and inspire hope for a future where all individuals are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness.

Nonprofits play a crucial role in building community hope and resilience by providing essential services and support, empowering marginalized populations, promoting education and skill development, fostering social connection and community resilience, and advocating for systemic change and social justice. Through their tireless efforts and commitment to creating positive change, nonprofits inspire hope, instill a sense of possibility, and empower individuals and communities to create a brighter future for all.


How to Put Your Community First as a Leader

Leadership is not about power; it’s about empowering others. Influential leaders understand the importance of community and know that putting the community’s needs first can lead to collective growth and prosperity. But how can you, as a leader, truly put your community first? Let’s explore key strategies to help you positively impact and foster a stronger, more connected community.


  1. Active Listening:

Being an attentive listener is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Take the time to engage with community members, listen to their concerns, and understand their perspectives. You gain valuable insights that can guide your decisions and actions by actively listening.


  1. Collaborative Decision-Making:

Involve the community in the decision-making process. Encourage participation in town hall meetings, workshops, and brainstorming sessions. When people feel their opinions matter, they are more likely to contribute to the community’s betterment actively.


  1. Education and Skill Development:

Promote education and skill development programs within the community. Knowledge empowers individuals and equips them to contribute meaningfully. Work towards creating accessible educational opportunities, workshops, and training sessions that enhance the skills of community members.


  1. Resource Allocation:

Effectively allocate resources to address the most pressing needs of the community. This could involve investing in infrastructure, healthcare, education, or social welfare programs. Prioritize initiatives that have a lasting impact on the community’s well-being.


  1. Fostering Inclusivity:

A strong community embraces diversity and inclusivity. Ensure that your leadership promotes an environment where everyone feels valued and respected regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, or beliefs. Celebrate the richness of diversity within your community.


  1. Transparency and Accountability:

Maintain transparency in your leadership. Keep the community informed about decisions, budgets, and ongoing projects. Accountability for your actions fosters trust, a vital component of a thriving community.


  1. Community Engagement:

Encourage community engagement by organizing events, cultural festivals, and social gatherings. These activities promote a sense of belonging and unity among community members. A connected community is a resilient community.


  1. Support Local Businesses:

Promote and support local businesses within your community. By doing so, you contribute to the community’s economic growth, create jobs, and foster a strong entrepreneurial spirit.


  1. Environmental Stewardship:

Be mindful of the environment. Implement eco-friendly practices and support initiatives that promote sustainability. A clean and healthy environment directly impacts the well-being of the community.


  1. Continuous Improvement:

Finally, leaders should be open to feedback and continuously strive for improvement. Learn from both successes and failures. Adapt your strategies based on the community’s evolving needs to ensure sustained growth and development.


Putting your community first as a leader requires empathy, active engagement, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of others. By embracing these principles, you can play a pivotal role in creating a vibrant, harmonious, and prosperous community for everyone. Remember, true leadership is not about being in charge; it’s about caring for those in your charge.


How to Find Growth Opportunities in Your Community

Community growth is essential for organizations looking to expand their reach, engage with a broader audience, and foster a thriving environment. To achieve sustainable growth, you must identify and capitalize on growth opportunities within your community.

Define Clear Objectives:

Before seeking growth opportunities, it’s crucial to define clear objectives for your community. Determine what you aim to achieve, whether it’s increasing membership, boosting engagement, or expanding your community’s impact. Having well-defined goals will guide your growth efforts.

Conduct Audience Research:

Understanding your community members is fundamental. Conduct surveys, gather feedback, and analyze member data to gain insights into their preferences, needs, and pain points. This research will help you tailor growth strategies to your target audience.

Leverage Data Analytics:

Utilize data analytics tools to track the performance of your community. Monitor key metrics like member retention, engagement rates, and conversion rates. Analyzing data can reveal trends and patterns that highlight growth opportunities.

Content Optimization:

Your community content plays a significant role in attracting and retaining members. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your content strategy. Identify what type of content resonates most with your audience and optimize your content accordingly.

Engagement Enhancement:

Improving member engagement is a powerful growth strategy. Encourage discussions, organize events, and facilitate interactions within your community. Engagement not only retains existing members but also attracts new ones through word-of-mouth.

Community Outreach:

Actively promote your community through various channels, including social media, email marketing, and partnerships. Showcase your community’s unique value to attract like-minded individuals who can benefit from it.

Member Onboarding and Support:

Enhance the onboarding experience for new members. Provide them with resources, guidance, and a warm welcome. Ensuring members feel valued and supported from the start can increase retention and referrals.

Networking Opportunities:

Foster networking opportunities within your community. Encourage members to connect, collaborate, and share their expertise. Networking can lead to organic growth as members invite others who share their interests.

Innovative Features and Tools:

Stay updated with the latest community management tools and technologies. Implement innovative features that enhance the member experience and provide unique value.

Community Feedback Loop:

Create a feedback loop where members can share their ideas and suggestions for improving the community. Act on this feedback to continuously enhance the community’s offerings.


Identifying growth opportunities in your community requires a strategic and data-driven approach. You can uncover valuable growth prospects by defining clear objectives, conducting audience research, leveraging data analytics, optimizing content, and enhancing member engagement. Additionally, active community outreach, effective onboarding, networking opportunities, innovative features, and a feedback loop will contribute to sustainable community growth. Keep evolving your strategies as you monitor results and adapt to changing member needs and preferences.

Signs of a Successful Community

Philanthropy and community involvement have been the cornerstone of thriving societies throughout history. They reflect a collective commitment to enhancing the well-being of every member. While community success is multi-dimensional, specific indicators can help assess its efficacy and progress.  

Active Citizen Participation: The level of community involvement is often a direct reflection of its success. Engaged citizens participate in local activities, attend town hall meetings, and vote. They also frequently volunteer and offer their unique skills for the betterment of their community.

Collaborative Governance: A community’s leadership is vital to its success. Transparent governance that encourages public participation ensures that decisions reflect the broader interests of its citizens. Furthermore, the results can be transformational when leadership teams across sectors (government, business, nonprofit) collaborate.

Quality of Life: One of the most telling indicators of community success is the quality of life it offers its residents. This encompasses low crime rates, access to healthcare, educational opportunities, cultural events, recreational facilities, and clean environments.

Economic Vibrancy: A thriving economy supports job creation and offers diverse opportunities for its citizens. This is reflected in low unemployment rates, thriving local businesses, and an environment conducive to startups and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Integrated Social Services: Access to essential services, such as health, education, and welfare, is crucial. These services are integrated into thriving communities, ensuring that needy individuals do not fall through the cracks.

Cultural and Social Cohesion: Belonging is pivotal for community success. This is evident in communities where diversity is celebrated, where there’s mutual respect among different cultural, ethnic, and religious groups, and where initiatives promote social cohesion.

Sustainable Development: Forward-thinking communities integrate sustainability into their growth plans. This includes initiatives promoting green building, waste reduction, renewable energy, and conservation of natural resources.

Education and Lifelong Learning: Successful communities prioritize quality schooling and providing opportunities for lifelong learning. This could be through libraries, community colleges, workshops, or seminars that cater to different age groups and interests.

Effective Communication: In the digital age, thriving communities utilize various communication platforms to keep their residents informed. Open and consistent communication fosters a sense of inclusivity, Whether through local newspapers, social media channels, or community radio.

Resilience and Adaptability: Communities that are quick to adapt to changes, whether economic, environmental, or social, and are prepared to handle crises, are more likely to thrive in the long run.

Philanthropic Endeavors: A culture of giving back is often a hallmark of a prosperous community. Whether individuals, corporations, or local organizations, philanthropic endeavors highlight a commitment to collective welfare and future generations.

Safety and Security: While often overlooked, a community where residents feel safe, both in public spaces and their homes, underscores trust in local law enforcement and community-led safety initiatives.


How to Lead Your Community Well When Under Pressure

Leading a community during challenging times requires unique skills and strategies. Influential leaders must rise to the occasion when faced with pressure and uncertainty, providing their community guidance, support, and stability. Consider these strategies for leading your community well under pressure, drawing from proven techniques to help you navigate crises and emerge stronger as a leader.

Maintain Clear Communication

Clear and transparent communication is vital during times of pressure. Keep your community informed about the situation, challenges, and steps being taken to address them. Provide regular updates, share relevant information, and address concerns promptly. By being open and accessible, you foster trust and keep your community engaged and informed.

Display Calm and Resilience

As a leader, remaining calm and composed during challenging times is essential. Projecting a sense of calmness and resilience reassures your community and instills confidence. Manage your emotions effectively, demonstrating that you can handle pressure and adversity while focusing on the community’s overall well-being.

Lead by Example

During times of pressure, leaders must lead by example. Set the tone for your community by displaying the behaviors and attitudes you expect from others. Show empathy, compassion, and understanding, and encourage collaboration and unity. When your community sees you modeling the values and behaviors you promote, they are more likely to follow suit.

Foster Collaboration and Support

Create an environment that encourages collaboration and support among community members. Facilitate open communication channels and provide platforms for people to share ideas, concerns, and solutions. Encourage teamwork, empathy, and mutual support, as these elements can help your community navigate challenges together, fostering a sense of unity and resilience.

Adapt and Innovate

Under pressure, leaders must be adaptable and willing to embrace change. Encourage your community to think creatively and explore innovative solutions to the challenges. Foster a continuous learning and improvement culture where new ideas are encouraged and tested. By fostering adaptability and innovation, you position your community to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger.

Prioritize Self-Care

Leading under pressure can be demanding, both physically and emotionally. To effectively lead your community, prioritize self-care. Take care of your own well-being by managing stress, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and seeking support when needed. By looking after yourself, you ensure that you can continue to lead with clarity, focus, and resilience.


Leading a community during challenging times requires unique skills and strategies. Remember, effective leadership is about providing solutions and supporting and empowering your community members. Implementing these strategies fosters unity, resilience, and growth, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Little Ways to Help Your Local Community Jerry Swon

Little Ways to Help Your Local Community

Helping your local community is important. The more people you help, the more people there are who will want to be helped in turn! You can make a difference today by doing little things that add to big results over time! It’s easy, it’s fun, and it feels great.


  1. Donate Lunch Money to Food Pantries
    Food pantries use donated money to provide food to those who need it. About half of all food banks nationwide receive their funds from donations alone. Many families have no choice but to rely on them when they don’t have enough money for groceries. When you donate, you’re saving lives.


  1. Vote
    When we vote, we choose our leaders. This means that we decide whether our president stays in office, what laws they sign into law, or which person gets elected in the next election. Voting matters because a lot is expected of us as citizens. We must participate and elect officials who will represent us well.


  1. Plant A Tree
    Planting trees helps keep our environment healthy. Trees absorb carbon dioxide while giving off oxygen and helping improve air quality. They are also home to many animals such as birds, butterflies, and insects. There are lots of ways to plant a tree. One way is to buy a seedling. You could also plant seeds yourself or adopt a tree.


  1. Vaccinate Yourself & Your Family
    Vaccines prevent disease before someone else does. Sometimes vaccines aren’t given due to a lack of funding or resources. However, they shouldn’t be used as a scapegoat. They save lives every day.


  1. Pick Up Trash
    Our communities would be much nicer if people picked up trash properly. Most garbage bags contain plastic, some of which take hundreds or even thousands of years to decompose. You’ll reduce this waste by picking up daily trash and creating a cleaner environment.


  1. Shop Local
    Buying locally grown produce protects farmers and ensures freshness. Buying local products supports small businesses and creates jobs. So pick your supermarkets carefully. Check online to see where your nearest markets sell products.


  1. Hold the door
    Holding doors let others enter rooms first and give them a chance to pass through without being rushed. It makes everyone feel safe and welcome.

Why Your Company Should Sponsor a Youth Sports Team

Youth sports are a great way to get a company’s name, reach a specific demographic, and foster positive relationships with customers, employees, and community members.

Sponsoring a team can also be a fun way to better know their employees and customers and give them a sense of purpose and camaraderie.


Reasons to support a youth sports team

Sponsorships can help companies reach their target market: By sponsoring a youth sports team, they can tap into the lives of many people who frequently interact with their company. These people include employees, customers, and community members. Sponsoring a team can help them reach their target market and promote their brand.


To foster a more inclusive culture: A sports team can help build an inclusive culture by bringing together a wide range of people. Sports teams often include people of diverse backgrounds and provide a common ground for people of different genders, races, religions, or sexual orientations to come together.


To help build strong workplace relationships: When employees and customers see companies brand featured on the sports gear of their local team, they’re sending a message that their company is invested in the community and cares about the wellbeing of its employees and customers.


A sponsorship relationship with a youth sports team can have a lasting impact: Research has shown that the longer a business partner stays with a company, the more likely the partner will acquire the company. This means that a sports team sponsorship can have a lasting impact on the company by helping to build the business’s culture and brand.


Increased Name Recognition: When a company sponsors a youth sports team, they associate their company’s name with a particular sport and the athletes who participate in it. This can give the company a more professional image and strengthen its reputation as a trustworthy business.


Increased Brand Awareness: When a company sponsors a sports team, they’re also growing their organization’s visibility on local sports broadcasts and websites, which can help increase brand awareness.


Improved Employee Morale: When employees see their favorite sports team wearing their company’s logo on the jersey, they will feel more comfortable discussing their job with their colleagues. This can increase employee morale and retention.


Greater Customer Loyalty: When companies sponsor a sports team, they connect with their customers and build brand loyalty. This can increase the sales of their products and services.




When companies sponsor a sports team, they associate the company’s name with a particular sport and the athletes who participate in it. This can give the company a more professional image and strengthen its reputation as a trustworthy business.


Making a large donation to a youth sports team is a great way to get its name out there for free and help build a company’s reputation.            


4 Fundraising Trends That Will Be Important in 2022 and Beyond

In the last decade, fundraising has gone through a major shift. With access to technology and different money distribution methods, fundraising is now more streamlined and effective than it has ever been before. Here are four trends that will be relevant in 2022 and beyond.


  1. There will be More Flexible Giving Options

In the last decade, there has been a significant shift in the ways people make donations. It is now easier than ever to raise money for a cause with online fundraising platforms and crowdfunding platforms. For example, you can give money through direct deposit into a charity’s bank account, or you can send out an online request for donations via social media. In 2022, there will be more options for giving as technology continues to advance and change the way people donate their money.


  1. Technology will Advance the Giving Experiences

In the past, fundraising was largely performed by hand. Fundraisers would have to go to the bank and deposit checks and write letters all by themselves. Now, however, technology has advanced significantly. Using online platforms and fundraising tools has made it much easier for fundraisers to get their message out and raise money for their cause. This will be especially important in 2022 as more people are turning to technology when looking for ways to donate money.


  1. Social Media is Going Mainstream

Since 2006, social media has become a mainstream form of communication. Today we can communicate with friends, family members, coworkers, and others through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites on our smartphones or desktop computers at any time of the day. As this communication becomes more and more regular, it will become more and more critical to fundraising on social media.


  1. Recurring Giving will be the Order of the Day

It was common for people to give a one-time donation to a charity or cause in the past. This was often because people had a specific event coming up, such as the Super Bowl or their child’s birthday party. However, recurring donations will be more important than one-time donations in the future. As technology advances and evolves, there will be even more ways of collecting money from donors regularly. The ability to have recurring donations will make it easier for charities and causes to raise money because they can collect money every month without asking donors for money every time.



The future is bright for fundraising. Technology has made it easier for fundraisers to raise money for their cause, and donors can easily donate money via various methods. The advancements in technology will make it even easier for charities to raise funds in the future.

How To Follow Through With Your Philanthropic Resolution Jerry Swon

How to Follow Through With Your Philanthropic Resolution

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, many people make resolutions to better themselves in the coming year. Whether it’s committing to a fitness routine or vowing to save more money, there are plenty of goals that people set for themselves during the first month of the year. But what about those who pledged to become more philanthropic? How can they follow through on their resolution and make a real difference in their community?

Here are a few tips for making your philanthropic resolutions a reality:

1. Define what “philanthropy” means to you.

The word “philanthropy” comes from the Greek words “Philos” (meaning “love”) and “Anthropos” (meaning “human”). So, philanthropy can be defined as the love of humans. But what does that mean for you?

Do you want to volunteer your time at a local homeless shelter? Or maybe donate to your favorite charity? It’s essential to define what philanthropy means to you to create specific goals and objectives for yourself.

2. Make a plan.

Once you know what you want to achieve, it’s time to make a plan of action. Figure out how much time you can commit to volunteering or how much money you want to donate each month. This will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

3. Find a community of like-minded people.

It can be helpful to find a community of people who share the same philanthropic values. This can provide support and motivation as you work to make a difference in your community.

4. Be patient.

Don’t expect to change the world overnight. Remember that it takes time and effort to make a real difference in the lives of others. Have patience and be persistent in your efforts.

5. Celebrate your successes!

It’s important to celebrate your successes along the way. Not only does this help keep you motivated and cheerful, but it will also inspire others who want to make a difference as well.

6. Give back.

The best way to follow through on your philanthropic resolutions is to give back. Volunteer your time, money or skills to a cause that’s important to you. This is the best way to make a real impact in your community.

Resolving to become more philanthropic can be a rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can ensure that your resolution becomes a reality. And who knows? You might find that helping others is the best way to help yourself.

Volunteer Ideas This Holiday Season Jerry Swon

Volunteer Ideas This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a great time for a person to volunteer for the first time. Volunteering can make one feel good, and it can make a difference in one’s community. There are many opportunities for volunteering during the holiday season, and each person can find an opportunity that feels right for them.


Consider Making Cards to Pass Out:

Those who enjoy working with paper and creating crafts can work on putting together special holiday cards. The cards can then be given out to lonely neighbors, those in the hospital, or those who are making a difference in one’s community. Anyone who receives a homemade holiday card will feel special.


Spend Time with Residents in Assisted Living Facilities:

There are people who are living in homes that do not receive a lot of visitors and who can spend the holiday season longing for some company. Those who have the time should consider going to an assisted living facility to spend time with the residents there.


Give to Those Working at the Hospital:

Those who spend long hours working in the hospital during the holiday season will appreciate being remembered. One might put together a gift basket to present to the nurses at a local hospital.


Give to Those Working at the Fire and Police Departments:

Those who work at the fire and police department often have to give of their time during the holidays, missing out on family activities. Volunteers can present such people with baked goods and other gifts that help them know that they are remembered.


Shop for Children Who Won’t Otherwise Receive Gifts:

There are children who have parents in the prison system who will not receive gifts unless a volunteer buys them for them. There are also children living in poverty who would love to receive gifts. Volunteers can get involved with a variety of charities to shop for gifts for children who will not receive anything if strangers do not step in.


There are Many Holiday Volunteer Opportunities:

Each person can find a holiday volunteer opportunity that appeals to them and that fits with their strengths. When someone gives during the holiday season, they will feel good about what they are doing and the lives they are touching.            

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